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Covid 19 Speech of H.S.H. Prince Albert II regarding lifting of lockdown

Dear Monegasques,

Dear Residents,

Dear Employees,

On 17 March I addressed you to announce the lockdown of the Principality of Monaco due to the COVID-19 pandemic that was spreading across the planet.

Since then our way of life has been considerably changed in order to face up to one of the most serious health crises in the history of the World. It demands a significant effort from us all because it impedes our fundamental freedoms.

This evening, I would like to pay tribute to and thank, on behalf of the population as well as on My own behalf, the health personnel, the volunteers from the various associations of Monaco and most especially the Red Cross and other charitable organisations, pharmacists, law enforcement, social services, who have been, and still are, supporting those impacted by the epidemic.

In addition to these thanks I would also like to add the staff of the dozens of professions that have ensured the continuity of our daily lives. Whether that be in the supply of food or in road maintenance, whether in security and emergency operations or in a supporting role for our companies and their employees.

On the economic front, I appreciate the great difficulties faced by all economic sectors, regardless of size.

That is why, with My authority, My Government has taken unprecedented steps to support our economic and social fabric.

Supporting measures have already been implemented for entrepreneurs and employees in the public and private sectors. Other measures are under review. I have asked My Government to continue to dialogue and work with the various economic actors.

I would like to pay tribute to the diligence of the elected members of the National Council who passed several laws within very short deadlines, including amending a budget to allow My government to take action.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for respecting the strict lockdown rules that have been in place for 6 weeks. This collective discipline made it possible to contain the progression of this pandemic on our territory.

However, we are truly saddened by the 4 deaths since the start of the epidemic, including that of a resident of the Principality. To the families, I would like to say that we stand with you during these painful moments.

These efforts, this sense of responsibility and solidarity, the effectiveness of the decisions taken by My government, now allow us to envisage the end of this strict lockdown on Monday 4 May at 6:00 am.

Although the epidemic seems to be under control in the Principality, it is nevertheless still very present.

We're going to have to learn to live with this virus, because there is still no proven cure and no vaccine.

Returning to a life the same as before Covid-19 will be long, demanding and difficult. It will require us to proceed gradually, in stages and under certain conditions.

In collaboration with the scientific and medical community, we will constantly ensure that the circulation of the virus remains under control and that our health will be well preserved.

The Government will act pragmatically and with prudence. As was the case for the lockdown.

I expect everyone to cooperate and comply with the conditions imposed during each phase of the lifting of this lockdown, because any deterioration in the health situation may delay this return to an almost normal life.

Tomorrow the government will detail the terms and conditions of this three stage plan programmed for the coming weeks, in order to allow the restarting of our society in all its component parts.

Among these measures, there will be, in particular, a very strong recommendation for the wearing of masks in public spaces.

Along with very regular hand washing, masks constitute one of the essential barriers for individual and collective protection.

This is why the Government, with the help of the City Hall, is currently distributing masks to all Residents of the Principality.

Some of these masks are manufactured in our country thanks to the mobilisation of Monegasque companies and their staff. In addition, other local companies have also modified their usual production to focus on the manufacture of hydroalcoholic gel. Proof, if proof were needed, that we can be proud of this national sense of commitment to the public interest.

I trust each and every one of you to play your full part in taking an active role in the fight against the epidemic and in the recovery of our economy.

This is about our health, our jobs, our future and our children's future.

The challenge before us is immense. It will take time, patience and rigour.

I have faith in you, in our ability to adapt to all these constraints, in our resources and in the robustness of our model.

We will overcome this ordeal together, and it will, I am sure, make us even stronger.

Let us remain united, confident, and, more than ever, let us maintain our solidarity.

Forti ünseme !

Viva Müneghu !

You can find the full video message by H.S.H. Prince Albert II on the Facebook page of the Palace of Monaco:

Covid 19 Speech of H.S.H. Prince Albert II regarding lifting of lockdown