Dear compatriots,
Dear residents,
Dear members of the economic and social life of our Principality,
My thoughts go first this evening to our friends from Nice who were so severely tested today by the appalling murderous attack committed in the Notre-Dame church.
I bow my head in sympathy with the pain suffered by the families and communities affected.
I am now addressing you as the COVID-19 pandemic is growing in strength around the world and particularly in Europe.
Although the number of cases and the number of people hospitalised is not as high in Monaco as in the surrounding area, the current situation nevertheless requires a strengthening of the measures implemented to reduce the spread of this epidemic.
I have therefore decided, in conjunction with my Government, to strengthen our procedures along the following lines, which my Minister of State will detail further to you tomorrow.
A curfew will be imposed in the evening from 8:00 pm to 6:00 am. I am counting on you to respect it scrupulously.
Economic activity will be preserved overall with, however, a number of unavoidable constraints and restrictions for certain sectors.
Restaurants and shops will therefore remain open with some special adaptations.
Elsewhere, remote working will be encouraged for both the private and public sectors.
Rigorous efforts will once again be asked for from the cultural sector.
The entire school and university system will continue its activities in compliance with existing prevention standards.
As you can see, the chosen option is not to take the route of a lockdown. I appeal to your discipline and your sense of public interest to comply strictly with the measures which will be detailed to you by my Government so that we do not find ourselves obliged to tighten up this system even further.
All of these measures will take effect during the night of Saturday to Sunday (30 October-1 November) for a period of one month.
Finally, I would like once again to express my gratitude to my Government, the National Council, the State health services, the staff of the CHPG, the Monegasque Red Cross and the various analysis laboratories, all of which are under great pressure and which are fulfilling their mission with dedication and competence.
I am also not forgetting all the security services that have been particularly busy during this period.
It is together that we will overcome this ordeal. I know I can count on your understanding and your commitment.
Viva Munegu!