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48th General Assembly of AMADE Mondiale under the presidency of H.R.H. the Princess of Hanover

The Novotel Monte-Carlo again hosted this year the members and partners of the AMADE family for its annual General Assembly, under the presidency of H.R.H. the Princess of Hanover.

These two days of reflection and exchanges brought together the members of the international network of AMADE Mondiale and its field partners, in order to share all their experiences and the problems they encounter in their actions to help children in danger. 

As keynote speaker, AMADE welcomed the "Fondation pour l'Enfance" -- an organisation founded and presided by the former French First Lady, Anne-Aymone Giscard d'Estaing and which was represented by its Director, Mr Arnauld Gruselle. 

The Monegasque Department for Cooperation and Fight Aids Monaco were also present as privileged observers, thereby bringing together all the partners of the programme to assist orphans and vulnerable children in Burundi, undertaken since 2008 through the community network of AMADE Burundi.

By uniting their efforts, the Monegasque actors in the field of development aid are aiming to grant these children access to health care and education, to ensure that persons living with AIDS are taken care of and to reduce the transmission of the virus from mother to child.   

These three years of field action have produced major results within the community groupings of Burundi and with children in situations of high distress.  The financial independence of families and the tutors of orphans remains the main goal to be achieved for the autonomous funding of the children's needs in terms of health and education. 

We recall that the Burundian Council for the Fight against AIDS estimates at over 830.000 the number of orphans and vulnerable children in the country.  AMADE Burundi assists over 15.000 children each year.   

About AMADE Mondiale

Founded in 1963 by Princess Grace of Monaco, and presided since 1993 by H.R.H. Princess Caroline of Hanover, AMADE Mondiale acts for the well-being and the protection of children throughout the world through a network of 11 national branches. 

H.R.H. the Princess of Hanover was named as a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador in 2003 and received the UNICEF Children's Champion Award in 2006, to award Her personal commitment to the protection of children. 

AMADE Mondiale has advisory status for UNICEF, UNESCO and the United Nations Economic and Social Council, as well as participatory status for the Council of Europe. 


48th General Assembly of AMADE Mondiale under the presidency of  H.R.H. the Princess of Hanover